We’re 2 weeks into the New Year already – it’s hard to believe. How many of you have already begun to slip on your plan for 2009? You know, made a resolution, started out strong, and have been fizzling out ever since. I have a confession to make. I made the resolution and never started!
You see, I resolved that I’m going to overcome my fear of blogging. I’m the world’s most prolific blogger when it comes to the conversation in my head… it just never seems to make it here to the website. So I looked at the calendar this morning and realized it is January 15th, 2 weeks into 2009, and I haven’t written blog #1 this year. “Practice what you preach!” is running through my head. And I got to thinking, while this isn’t the most profound entry, how many other people set forth a resolution or a plan for 2009 but continued letting chaos control each day while the energy behind the plan slowly diminishes. Here are a few thoughts that might help out.
1. Do something little each day in support of your plan. Something that takes less than 5 minutes. Don’t let time be the obstacle – if you do something that only takes a minute or two, it will bring your plan back to the top of your mental queue – get you thinking about it anew each day. (For my blogging goal, the something little has been “Twitter” – a microblogging site. Only takes a minute to blog there. You can follow my tweets at http://twitter.com/svenneby)
2. Trap yourself. Tell people who will hold you accountable. Make a public proclamation that you can’t deny. Force yourself into action using the leverage of embarrassment, your integrity, hypocrisy, etc. (This blog entry is just that for me – how can I not blog now that the world knows what I’ve committed to do in 2009?)
3. Keep an idea journal handy. When your resolutions are top of mind, and there is sufficient pressure from peers and public declarations, your brain will get to work on whatever it is you’ve set forth. Ideas come at the strangest times. Make sure you are ready for them. I carry around a small journal with me at all times. Some of the best work I do happens when I get a few spare minutes between one appointment and another.
I hope your 2009 has started out with a bang! I’ll be back soon with more thoughts…
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