Learning to sell is a process, not an Event
Mastering the art and science of selling is not something that happens at a workshop, or even a bootcamp. It is a process rooted in personal growth that takes place over time. The Sales Mastery Program is a unique, year-long personal development program. The program includes workshops, coaching & mentoring, rich supportive media, and a comprehensive battery of assessments that allow us to truly understand each participant and tailor the program for their maximum benefit.
The program covers all aspects of selling – interpersonal influence skills, attitude and dialog skills, prospecting, selling process, qualifying, presenting, time management, pipeline management, territory strategy, etc.
This is a comprehensive “mastery” program which caters to both the newcomer to sales and the seasoned salesperson looking to elevate their skills. Participants are business owners, entrepreneurs, sales professionals, consultants and technical sales personnel – all whom must sell, and all are committed to continuous improvement of their abilities.
Participants attend two workshops per month, participate in intensive group role play, complete “homework assignments” (all based in their daily job) and receive off-line coaching and mentoring to help them succeed at sales.
Participants Will Master:
- Interpersonal dialog skills and emotional intelligence
- How to manage tough selling interactions and egos
- Lead generation, selling and prospecting processes
- Prospecting, with both current and new customers
- Consultative selling skills that establish Trusted Advisor relationships
- Self management and critique to root out complacency and self delusion
Participants Will Acquire:
- Confidence and energy as a product of clarity in their job
- Detailed processes for lead generation, prospecting and selling
- Self-evaluative tools to assess areas requiring improvements
- Dialog and attitude skills for qualifying, closing, issue resolution
- Healthy pipelines and the ability to accurately forecast
- Higher sales!
Who Should Enroll?
- Salespeople – inside and outside
- Solo-preneurs who sell and deliver
- Business owners who sell and manage sales
- Consultants responsible for their own utilization
Attend a complimentary workshop!
Call us at: 303-617-4481 x102
Email us at: prospecting@syntuity.com
Workshops are delivered live in our HQ office in Centennial Colorado and Virtual via our Virtual Classroom.
Upcoming Workshops:
(event dates)
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